Have you noticed we don’t have to teach a child wonder? Children own wonder. And so can we. . . Wonder and astonishment belong to the Christmas story. It's too wonderful to outgrow. What would it take to walk out the Advent season with wide-eyed wonder? To understand, to really know, we are an important part of … [Read more...]
Watching Wonder
We comprehend more today than our ancestors could ever imagine, but it comes with the cost of a diminished ability to marvel, don't you think? We want to understand everything - and think we do, but in the process we lose our child-wonder. A divine birth is predicted thousands of years ahead of time, then announced by heavenly … [Read more...]
God in the Dark
Yesterday was a bleak day. Overcast rain shadows closed the day early with darkness. Sheets of water poured down the windshield making it blacker than mid-afternoon as I drove to the hospital where my husband was admitted, heart failing. A hospital journey is always darker around this time of the year. As in December last … [Read more...]