Grace to all . . .
Every one of us has a story and mine took a holy turn when the Father leaned down to mend a broken child. Rescued during a desperate time as a young wife and mother with three small children – it happened on one divine (unexpected) day when my Woodstock lifestyle turned into a dramatic conversion. God totally works in strange ways.
My love for journaling has wildly recorded my journey. And so, I remember. Surfing through past writings to find a word of hope from yesterday is therapy for today. Dwelling on His faithfulness in the personal accounts of an ordinary family who met an extraordinary God has brought victory.
We all face the everyday and annoying stuff that can steal our joy, but what about the life-altering events that devour our peace and hope? It’s in those dark places that we can fear and lose courage. We must look past what we’re seeing . . but how?
The God of heaven whispers the answer through the Psalms, I would have despaired if I had not believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living (:27:13). Believing to see has been the holy key to keep me from growing faint along a very broken path as I follow the One who leads well.
It goes on to say, Be strong and let your heart take courage. Wait for the Lord.
There have been countless times when I’ve faced a situation you may be facing now. You may have also experienced the pain of betrayal, divorce, prodigals, critical illness, financial hardship and the devastation of loss.
So may we discover the jewels in the rubble together as we believe to see . . .