We’ve heard it all, even before we were listening. The Christmas story, we've heard the same song with a different tune, endlessly. It’s either familiar or astonishing. Since familiarity is the enemy of our faith, may we continue to be re-astonished every time we consider the amazing story that changed the … [Read more...]
Pray with Wonder
Children seem to hold the wonder and assurance that we can have access to the God of heaven purely by getting real before Him. That's the wonder. The language of prayer is simply talking with our Father – no stuffy King-Jamesie English, no formality - just the beauty of exposing a child-like heart. I heard a deep and wise … [Read more...]
Reclaim Awe
How often we connect the word awesome to just the ordinary. It belongs to the extraordinary. The word actually means, “inspires an overwhelming feeling of reverence or fear” but somehow it has been reduced to meaning “very cool.” The Word became flesh – if there was ever an awesome event, this is it. Wonder and … [Read more...]
Come All Who Wonder
Come all who wonder where the past year went and what you were doing last year at this December time - probably the normal, the taken for granted, the way it usually is and always was. That’s where my wondering thoughts have been . . . So doing an honest review, ordinarily processed on journal pages (which is a reason I’ve … [Read more...]
Have you noticed we don’t have to teach a child wonder? Children own wonder. And so can we. . . Wonder and astonishment belong to the Christmas story. It's too wonderful to outgrow. What would it take to walk out the Advent season with wide-eyed wonder? To understand, to really know, we are an important part of … [Read more...]