Yesterday was a bleak day. Overcast rain shadows closed the day early with darkness. Sheets of water poured down the windshield making it blacker than mid-afternoon as I drove to the hospital where my husband was admitted, heart failing.
A hospital journey is always darker around this time of the year.
As in December last when my husband was hospitalized at the same time as my youngest son. One in heart failure, the other receiving yet another kidney transplant. Darkness.
I entered the healing floor with its corridor brightly lighted. I thought, how often I have walked in the brilliance of hospital halls to enter the dark that waits in the room. Jeff is laying in no hope darkness.
Despair ruled, and it grew darker. But, the Light was there . . . covering us.
I traveled the flooded and starless roads to get home. At times I couldn’t see in front of me despite the bright beams of my headlights. An hour trip took almost two.
Stress ruled, and it grew darker. But, the Light was there . . . guiding me.
I pulled up to my darkened house.
Loneliness ruled, and it grew darker. But, the Light was there . . . waiting for me.
Quietly, in solitude I fixed my eyes on the Nativity we faithfully set out each season. Stuffed so safely in its box for eleven months only to have it reappear every December. Each piece takes its place once again in the light of Christmas reenacting the silent night.
What happens when we stay in the darkness? I remember.
Do we stuff God in His box and only bring Him out at certain times?
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth . . . in the dark. Humans from dust. Sin ruled, and it grew darker.
But, the Advent Light came . . . to dispel the darkness.
The radiance of His glory came down in the manger Messiah. There is hope in the dark hour. The light of Jesus.
The Giver of Hope.
You are God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of the darkness into His marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9
It always seems that the dark times pull us toward His light. If we will let Him.
Good descriptions and analogies. Could just feel your pain.
You’re so right, Liz . . . if we let Him . . . thank you for the encouragement, dear friend.
Verna – I am praying for you. I am about to embark on a similar situation. My mother just found out she has cervical cancer. I have no idea what to do, what to say or how to act. I am just numb… praying for you!
. . and praying for you and your mother, Adriana . . . I understand the numbness your experiencing. Father God will give you the words and lead you as you minister to your mom. You are loved!
Adriana, I’m so sorry to hear about your mom. Praying right now for her healing!
Beautiful post Verna. It is sure to give hope to those wo are walking in darkness right now.
Love you and praising the LORD for each breath He gives our loved ones.
. . . and you have been by my side when those breaths were gone! Love you!
Powerful. Thanks much for sharing. I’ve been praying for you and for Jeff.
5 His life is the light that shines through the darkness—and the darkness can never extinguish it (John 1:5 TLB). Love you – Marlene
thank you, dear friend, for the encouraging words . . . Love you!
The darkness and despair. Yes, I knew them well. I’m so thankful for the Light that now reigns in my life, and in yours. God bless you, Verna
I know you understand, dear friend when we share our similar testimonies of God’s healing grace in our lives . . . thank you, Lori!
Oh Verna, I cried. I could feel every step of the way with you.
. . . and many times you were walking those steps with me, dear friend. Love you!
Verna… thank you for the reminder. May we never stick God in our own little boxes.
. . . thank you, Keiki . . . for your continued encouragement!
Thank you, Verna, for sharing this very personal, somber experience; and reminding us that even in the darkest hours, our Lord never leaves us or forsakes us-His light shining ever brightly. So fitting for this time of year, when we think of that bright star that the magi followed; praise God!
Love your choice of photos, too!
. . . Laura, always there to share an uplifting Word, thank you, dear friend!
Whenever we are in a dark tunnel, the light at the end is Jesus! It’s often so hard to remember during the dark times; when the tunnel throws lots of curves at us it’s so hard to see the end. But Jesus is not only the light at the end of the tunnel, he’s walking right there beside us while we’re fumbling our way through. And he will get us through if we let him.
I had a close friend commit suicide about a year after we graduated from college and made a her a tape of uplifting Christian music which was by the back door ready to go in the mail when I got the call. I so wish I’d had that last opportunity to show her Jesus!
I will be praying for you and your family during this hard time, but I’m so glad you already know and cling to Jesus!
Yes, I have experienced those regrets when I didn’t act as quickly as I should’ve. . . . thank you, Celeste for the encouragement and prayers. Jeff is home, and doing well! Just came home from church and wasn’t a bit tired . . . . (I was, tho)
Dear Verna,
What an encouragement and godly example you are! The personification of the verse in Matthew:
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)
Thanks for the reminder that there is hope even in the darkest hour.
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)
With continued, heartfelt prayers,
Thank you for this encouragement, dear Vicki!
Beautiful tribute to the power of His Light…guiding…comforting…banishing the darkness. Praying for you and Jeff during this difficult time.
His comfort does banish all that appears dark, doesn’t it? Thank you for your prayers, Vonda. We feel it!
Verna, light always overcomes the darkness – always! And when it is the very darkest, that is when God’s light shines the brightest. I will never understand it, but I trust it. Praying for Jeff, praying for you, praying for you both to see God’s light so clearly.
Thank you, Marcia for trusting with me, and for praying. Jeff is doing well!