Have you noticed we don’t have to teach a child wonder? Children own wonder. And so can we. . . Wonder and astonishment belong to the Christmas story. It's too wonderful to outgrow. What would it take to walk out the Advent season with wide-eyed wonder? To understand, to really know, we are an important part of … [Read more...]
Wounds and Wonders
It was a Sunday in September in the year 1975 when four words changed the course of life. That was 14,609 days ago and all the in-betweens that came from a moment when just as I am reluctantly went to a church service by way of a child’s hand. And so, since I didn’t want to be there, a wretch like me had a plan of escape, and … [Read more...]
Who Do You Think You Are?
Some years ago, my granddaughter Brianna and I were getting ready to go for a walk in the cornfield. After I zipped my jacket, the quick minded seven-year-old looked up and said, “Just look at yourself!” So, I went in to look in the mirror and didn’t see anything wrong. I looked again and saw everything wrong. I was wearing … [Read more...]
White Flag Prayer
There’s been much said about flags lately, so it brought to mind the white flag that represents surrender. There are certain times when we are called to surrender. Have you ever prayed a desperate prayer - one from the gut of despair? You may have experienced times when you cry out and feel you must not have been heard. … [Read more...]
Art of Lingering
I made the mistake of glancing at my summer calendar and noticed there was no time to hyperventilate. It looked like the next nine weeks were written in stone – on paper. I couldn’t get out of anything. I thought summer was supposed to be lazy-hazy. It made me homesick for the simple life. What an archaic and charming word – … [Read more...]