All I want for Christmas . . . is hope. You too? It doesn’t seem reasonable to look back to the ancient pages of Isaiah to find hope for today . . . but I do. Isaiah’s connection to the story of Jesus is all over Advent. Even his name means “Yahweh saves” and foretells the Christmas story. For a child shall be born for … [Read more...]
Road to Emmaus
. . . their eyes were opened and they recognized Him. Luke 24:31 How many times have you taken a familiar route only to wind up lost? Lost in distraction. While driving to a destination my daughter has traveled many times, she became totally lost the other day. Deep in prayer for a young girl in our church who is in … [Read more...]
Waiting at the Well
What do we do with a lifetime of bad choices? Do we quit and believe that’s all there is? It doesn’t have to be the ending to our story. In the book of John, the fourth chapter, 42 verses are devoted to an unnamed Samaritan woman who met the Savior face to face and was changed forever. This is the longest recorded dialogue … [Read more...]
God in the Dark
Yesterday was a bleak day. Overcast rain shadows closed the day early with darkness. Sheets of water poured down the windshield making it blacker than mid-afternoon as I drove to the hospital where my husband was admitted, heart failing. A hospital journey is always darker around this time of the year. As in December last … [Read more...]