In preparation for Christmas, we’re in the middle of the now and the not yet - middle of Advent, the four-week season of remembering and celebrating the coming of Jesus to earth. In between the hope and peace and the joy and love ~ our Advent assurance. The month of December seems to come and go more quickly every year. So how … [Read more...]
How Will It Be?
Before Christmas was, Christmas was going to be. The sacred earthiness of a heavenly happening took place through people on a midnight clear -- to the ordinary. The all too familiar story told through the ages can never be overtold, because somehow we miss most of it. When we step into the story for ourselves, a flannelgraph … [Read more...]
Reclaim Awe
How often we connect the word awesome to just the ordinary. It belongs to the extraordinary. The word actually means, “inspires an overwhelming feeling of reverence or fear” but somehow it has been reduced to meaning “very cool.” The Word became flesh – if there was ever an awesome event, this is it. Wonder and … [Read more...]
On the Twelfth Day . . .
Today, the twelfth day before Christmas is a reminder I’ve put off the other thirteen. Although, there’s a wreath on the door, greens on the porch rocker, and a small live tree the kids brought over and decorated to add a seasonal touch, it's just not the usual . . . Because it’s not the usual. Maybe you're experiencing … [Read more...]
It’s easy to take words for granted. How often we hear the term awesome connected to the ordinary. It belongs to the extraordinary. The word actually means “to inspire an overwhelming feeling of reverence or fear” but slang has replaced it with “very cool.” The Word became flesh – if there was ever an awesome event, this is … [Read more...]