Come all who wonder where the past year went and what you were doing last year at this December time - probably the normal, the taken for granted, the way it usually is and always was. That’s where my wondering thoughts have been . . . So doing an honest review, ordinarily processed on journal pages (which is a reason I’ve … [Read more...]
Responding to the Unexpected
Our story is made up of the unexpected. We’ve all been blind-sided by life. Some of the greatest lessons I’ve learned are from times that caught me “off guard.” This past year has been another to add to a long list . . . The Christmas story may seem like an annual sentimental wake-up call. It tells the 2000-year-old … [Read more...]
Like a Child
Have you noticed that we don’t have to teach a child wonder. Children seem to own awe. And so can we . . . Astonishment is on every page of the Christmas story, the true wonder we must never outgrow. In fact, we can experience the miracle of Christmas more fully than we did as a child by contemplating the incredible wonder of … [Read more...]
On the Twelfth Day . . .
Today, the twelfth day before Christmas is a reminder I’ve put off the other thirteen. Although, there’s a wreath on the door, greens on the porch rocker, and a small live tree the kids brought over and decorated to add a seasonal touch, it's just not the usual . . . Because it’s not the usual. Maybe you're experiencing … [Read more...]
Have you noticed we don’t have to teach a child wonder? Children own wonder. And so can we. . . Wonder and astonishment belong to the Christmas story. It's too wonderful to outgrow. What would it take to walk out the Advent season with wide-eyed wonder? To understand, to really know, we are an important part of … [Read more...]