The quiet is rare in the midst of an age of distraction, so listen to the noise. When I was a busy mom and homemaker, I was desperate for quiet. It was then, my prayer closet became the quiet of the cornfields that hugged our home. But seasons change and now listen to the silence. An age-ago. . . I remember looking out over … [Read more...]
Rest for the Weary
What is weary? The word actually means worn and weighed down. I remember my Mom saying, "there's just no rest for the weary" - usually when she was scrubbing the floor. But this-isn't-that, it's . . . The world - where we're just a smear among the seven billion walking on it and yet we can look around within our small … [Read more...]
In the Quiet
The quiet is a rare place to visit in the midst of the persistent clamor and distraction of today. Listen to the noise. When I was a young and busy mom and homemaker, I was desperate for quiet. My prayer closet was the cornfield behind our home. But seasons change. Listen to the silence. I remember reading of Susannah … [Read more...]
Art of Lingering
I made the mistake of glancing at my summer calendar and noticed there was no time to hyperventilate. It looked like the next nine weeks were written in stone – on paper. I couldn’t get out of anything. I thought summer was supposed to be lazy-hazy. It made me homesick for the simple life. What an archaic and charming word – … [Read more...]