The quiet is a rare place to visit in the midst of the persistent clamor and distraction of today. Listen to the noise. When I was a young and busy mom and homemaker, I was desperate for quiet. My prayer closet was the cornfield behind our home. But seasons change. Listen to the silence. I remember reading of Susannah … [Read more...]
Art of Lingering
I made the mistake of glancing at my summer calendar and noticed there was no time to hyperventilate. It looked like the next nine weeks were written in stone – on paper. I couldn’t get out of anything. I thought summer was supposed to be lazy-hazy. It made me homesick for the simple life. What an archaic and charming word – … [Read more...]
Be Still
I’m not one to make resolutions for the coming year. But, I have an intention. To . . . just practice stillness. When I was young, I had an annoying habit of jiggling my leg or foot. My mama would say, “Be still!” The teacher would say, “Child, sit still!” Ten minutes with my gramma, and I’d hear “Still your itchy … [Read more...]