I was privileged to speak this past weekend to a special group of ladies at a Mother Daughter Brunch. Every table filled with moms, grammas, aunts, sisters, daughters – women of all titles were differently the same. Some were busy young moms of toddlers, not-so-young busy moms of teens, some single moms, working moms trying to … [Read more...]
In the Quiet
The quiet is a rare place to visit in the midst of the persistent clamor and distraction of today. Listen to the noise. When I was a young and busy mom and homemaker, I was desperate for quiet. My prayer closet was the cornfield behind our home. But seasons change. Listen to the silence. I remember reading of Susannah … [Read more...]
Unmet Mentors
I seek the quiet place in the morning. There’s nothing like my sun porch at 5 am to hear the voice of God above the sound of dawn breaking wide open. It’s my time to steep in the word of God, uninterrupted before life begins. It’s also the fellowship time I spend with an unmet mentor, Lettie Cowman. A woman who lived for … [Read more...]