I’m guessing you’re like me and simply love when God’s answer is yes to a fervent prayer. And why wouldn’t it be? We’re all needy and He’s all powerful. It sounds like it should work.
I found out early on when God says no – it doesn’t matter about anyone else’s yes. Always expect a consequence attached.
We think answers should conform to our wishful thinking and demanding moment and when we don’t instantly receive our custom-made miracle, we become bitter and doubtful, because well you know, God must not be listening. Or there. Or care.
I’ve begged God for many things that have come in an opposite form because He had something so much better up His sovereign sleeve. I was as disagreeable as a pouty finite-child who stamps her spoiled foot at the heavens . . . I just couldn’t see it until I saw it. Later.
All of us seem to struggle with God’s will. We pray for the lost to be saved and they perish, we pray for the sick to live and they die, and we pray for ourselves to get through the day, and we don’t.
And I don’t understand.
But what I do understand is that an un-answer doesn’t make God any less God. He never gives stones and snakes to a hungry child when we ask for bread and fish.
If you then who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him Matthew 7:11
So, what if we actually believed God was good? And what if we discovered the lesson found in the rubble of the beautiful no? Our view of life would be changed.
I look back on life when I could only see through my wish-sized view and the Father had the bigger picture already hanging on my wall. And I thank Him for not giving me over to foolish requests.
My journals are scribbled full of a mix of miracles and unanswered prayer – and I need to read one page to get through the next. I’ve been told I have crazy faith – and that’s how it grew.
If our belief is big enough to believe that God is big enough to answer in the right time and in the right way then we’re only one faith-filled prayer away from a miracle.
So keep asking – seeking – and knocking and be assured He is on the way to the door.
Thank you for the thoughts. Life is hard and I am weary of the struggle. Do I know I could have harder struggles? Yes. But I am cranky and worn down: by life; by my own stupid decisions; and by the consequences of others actions.
And I am angry. Not at God for allowing these things to happen but because like our dear friend, I am wired to turn over every stone to understand why. And there are too many stones.
My continued prayer is to ask myself what I can learn in each trial about God, me, and my wobbly walk with him.
I understand. So sorry Anita, I know your heart. . . .and when we’re worn down by life thankfully we have those who surround us to help hold us upright. I also know (well) how another’s actions can take us along for the wild ride of consequences, so I pray right alongside of you dear friend in asking our dear Father what we can learn while we’re in that broken place . . .
Oh so often do I think I know what’s best for me – after all who could possibly know me and my wants and desires better than, well, me? This reminds me of the Sunday school song I learned many years ago: God answers prayer in the morning, God answers prayer at noon, God answers prayer in the evening, so keep your heart in tune. It’s the heart in tune part I get bungled up with. My heart is impatient, and like yours, doesn’t always see the bigger picture hanging on the wall right above the wallet size one I hold in my hand. But, I know He is good…my journals all remind me of that, too!
Sweet Blessings Beautiful Friend
Beth Owens
Yes, our heart in tune with His heartbeat for our good. . . love it. I’m guessing we can remember a number of unanswered prayers . . . that were SO answered! I’ll see you very soon (and don’t break your foot this time, sweet sister).
Beautiful truth, Verna. Thank you for your transparency and encouragement to us to appreciate the wisdom of the beautiful, grace-filled No. It’s so much better than the ugly, self-centered Yes.
So much better . . . His ways are always His best (and ours). Thank you Vonda – miss you!
A very timely and needed reminder dear friend. Thank you
. . . and for me . . . I’ll be helping you pray, dear friend.
Wonderfully encouraging! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for stopping, Janeen . . . coming to the conference? Miss you!
It’s so true, Verna. We often learn later that the beautiful no was Gods way of revealing something greater that our finite minds could understand and that’s He’s really working all things for our good, and His glory. Looking forward to that Day when His Eternal Yes will usher us into our heavenly dwelling, with Him, His family, and our loved ones.
As the old hymn says, “Oh that will be glory for me…when by His grace I shall look on His face…that will be glory, be glory for me.”
ALL things for our good . . . hard to see at the moment, but so grateful our Father has a heaven’s eye-view 🙂
Well said. I appreciate your insight.
Thanks, Kelly, I appreciate your visit and comment!