Some just know how to get to the point with a hard-easy question. I was asked, “What makes you believe in God?” Ah, quick answer is “He causes me to believe in Him” --- what does that even mean? Obviously, we had to have further discussion . . . It’s a touch of impossible to answer this question with simple words. So I … [Read more...]
How Will It Be?
Before Christmas was, Christmas was going to be. The sacred earthiness of a heavenly happening took place through people on a midnight clear -- to the ordinary. The all too familiar story told through the ages can never be overtold, because somehow we miss most of it. When we step into the story for ourselves, a flannelgraph … [Read more...]
Surviving Impossibles
Some of us say we believe because we have reason to - and proof. Until we don’t. Then it’s easier to hold onto the edge of logic that says the situation probably won’t change. Because it hasn’t. So, it must be too hard for God, it must not be His will, it must be or not be . . whatever. Faith sees the invisible, believes … [Read more...]
The Beautiful No
I’m guessing you’re like me and simply love when God’s answer is yes to a fervent prayer. And why wouldn’t it be? We’re all needy and He’s all powerful. It sounds like it should work. I found out early on when God says no – it doesn’t matter about anyone else’s yes. Always expect a consequence attached. We think answers … [Read more...]
No Doubt It’s Faith
So, the glass on the table in front of my husband is half-empty but he doesn’t see it that way. He never has. It’s filled half way due to becoming a new dialysis patient who must limit fluids and life. I guess we’re limited only by the way we view every situation - even when our body betrays us. And he still sees the glass … [Read more...]