When the world around us looks bleak and featureless, it’s easy to fall through winter cracks and descend into the winter blues. We can’t help but feel as gray as the day when dark creeps in too early and steals the light. So, whether you’re feeling a little blue or a little gray, keep in mind winter always comes to an end … [Read more...]
The Scent of Remembrance
What things come to mind when you smell a certain scent? Amazing how only five senses can connect us to the world around us. Just the unique gift of smell can mystically transport us to visions of the past. It’s like unlocking a treasure chest and a memory comes out in a fragrance. It seems to go into our nose and into our … [Read more...]
Chasing More
Chasing dreams, possessions, and power seem to be the things we run after but never catch enough of to satisfy. We chase things the world has to offer, things that temporarily captivate. Too late, we see it all run through our wrinkled fingers. And then, we wish we ran after something we could actually hold onto. David had … [Read more...]
Sacred Silence
Do you ever feel like God is screening your calls? You’re desperate to hear God’s voice, but heaven is still. Years ago I thought the only word I heard was “Stop that!” followed by the shoulds, oughts and cant's. Then sitting at the Father’s knee, I became familiar with His voice speaking above the clashing sound of … [Read more...]
Stones of Remembrance
Wow – I've missed you . . . sorry, I've been sidetracked for a few weeks while finishing a milestone in my life. So, I’m asking – what did you recognize yesterday that someday might be life changing? Maybe you don’t see it yet. I was there. Sometimes I still am. I went through the early part of life depending upon … [Read more...]