As of this moment, kind friends, spring is 19 days, 11 hours, and 12 minutes away. You’re counting, too – I just know it. There have been countless times when I have wished for a countdown while waiting for peace to come . . . We sometimes wonder if peace is hibernating when facing a bitter season of life – sort of like … [Read more...]
Woodstock to Wonderstruck
Growing up in an age of innocence followed by one of the most violent decades in American history was a bitter mix. The 1960s were a major turning point in the history of our country when social upheaval dominated the landscape. Having one foot in the fifties and one in the sixties became a difficult path to walk. Where were … [Read more...]
Storms and Snakes
Faith is a journey. I don’t know about you, but there have been times when my journey seemed like a series of shipwrecks and snake bites. In Acts 27 and 28, it tells a little of what the apostle Paul experienced while walking out (and swimming) his faith journey across land and sea. It all began way back on his road trip to … [Read more...]
Everybody Has a Story
We all have a story and we love to hear stories. When I was a child, I loved listening to stories of long ago as my grandmother told it – weaving life into gold. It allowed me to see glimpses of the fleeting moments of her metamorphosis from young girl to the wise and wrinkled on the pages of her story. Stories were … [Read more...]
Stones of Remembrance
Wow – I've missed you . . . sorry, I've been sidetracked for a few weeks while finishing a milestone in my life. So, I’m asking – what did you recognize yesterday that someday might be life changing? Maybe you don’t see it yet. I was there. Sometimes I still am. I went through the early part of life depending upon … [Read more...]