To the September one who says “I’m overwhelmed” – I hear you. I am you.
This is the month when everything begins. All. At. Once. And so, usual life needs to be pushed in between the lines of a Fall schedule that reads can’t rest till I do list that you’re flooded with. Also, there’s the added current crazy – dealing with too much information, too many lies, too many decisions to take us over our overfed head. It reminds me of a Lennon song from the 80s – “everybody’s talking and no one says a word. Nobody told me there’d be days like these, strange days indeed.” And dark . . .
It can make our weary soul feel shattered from the weight of it all.
I’ve been part of Precept Inductive Bible studies for decades – so, I’m always looking to the original Greek meaning of words to get a better handle on language and life. The word overwhelm means deluge, to cause to surround and cover up. Yep, that’s the feeling. Buried.
The word overcome means to conquer, to prevail. And yep, that’s what I need just for a moment.
So how do we turn overwhelm to overcome when we feel like we’re overworked with a 14 day week in the midst of family, ministry and half-finished things?
What to do? Ah, maybe the spa. The last time I ran to the spa for a “restful” mani-pedi, I chipped the polish by impatiently tapping my foot and commanding my toes to “dry now!” Obviously, I was on to the next thing before I could take a messy step.
It wasn’t restful.
So this is one holy reason I’m grateful for the many beloved sisters in Christ I meet with every week for Bible study. It has been a special lifeline I definitely make time for – to faithfully gather together in the Word on a Thursday morning with these dear ladies. Also, I meet with a mix of women in other ministries and circles during the month and notice the same theme to the many prayer concerns. A need for restoration. We are all in need of some kind of rest and restoration within our families, finances, relationships, health and deep within our faith.
It won’t come without intention and knowing where to go for true rest, because it’s there in the resting place that overcomes the overwhelm. Greek root translation, all good and encouraging words – renew, reset, rebuild, revive. Jesus knew how and then taught us how to dump the clamor of a crowded life – it’s in the quiet.
You may not do “be still” very well, but may we try together to practice stillness where our Father desires to meet with us. Find an uplifting verse and embrace it. Search the Psalms, it’s like having a resident therapist to get you through the moment. Pray it – write it – and believe it and see if September becomes more colorful as you experience ~ Be still and know that I am God (Ps 46) – Eight words that can change your life . . .
My soul waits in silence for God only – from Him is my salvation. He only is my rock and my stronghold, I shall not be shaken. Psalm sixty-two
What a wonderful reminder, Verna. I thought our older years would be quieter and less hectic, but not the case. I agree that taking a moment has to be intentional. I love the song, “It is well with my soul.”
I love that beautiful hymn also to remind us to preach peace over our soul in the madness. Thank you for your kind encouragement, Lynda!
Amen Sister!! I am in such overwhelm and the times I get my reboot are indeed when I am able and wise enough to “be still and know He’s God”
Thanks for reminding me I’m not the only one in this💕
Like the word, Ruth — reboot. That’s what we need to do and the way to do it is definitely in the sacred space where our Father dwells. Thank you!
Well said Verna! Missing you and the Precept Gang!
However, the Lord has led me to a few women who want
to do “Lord, Heal My Hurts” in October. I’m both surprised and
excited. Prayers appreciated.
And we miss you Precept-Pioneer, I will be praying as you begin this healing study in October — it’s where we first started, remember? It was my first topical study ever that drew me to the deep! Miss you.
Yes I remember! And He’s still drawing us deeper!!
Love and miss you!