Do you remember how you learned to walk? Neither do I – neither do any of us. It just happened by way of baby steps, falls and bumps that eventually took us somewhere. That’s the way it seems with a faith-walk, the place of small beginnings. A small step but giant leap for me was way back in the day when I stopped in on a … [Read more...]
This I know - that God is for me. That’s a great thought, but can it be enough to walk with confident faith when life gets hijacked with --- just too much. Can it be real in the middle of a request and an answer? Then my enemies will turn back in the day when I call. This I know, that God is for me. Psalm 56:9 We read many … [Read more...]
Surviving Impossibles
Some of us say we believe because we have reason to - and proof. Until we don’t. Then it’s easier to hold onto the edge of logic that says the situation probably won’t change. Because it hasn’t. So, it must be too hard for God, it must not be His will, it must be or not be . . whatever. Faith sees the invisible, believes … [Read more...]
The Gift of Momhood
Hand’s down- the greatest gift in my life has been motherhood. For my Mom, also. It was easy to see because she expressed gratitude through love for her child. I’ve had the joy of raising four children and the blessing of their sweet begats- each one has a unique story that has added greatly to my own. The common thread … [Read more...]
Shipwrecks and Snakebites
Faith is a journey. There’s been times when my journey seemed like a series of shipwrecks and snakebites navigating from one place to the next. Maybe for you, too. In Acts 27 and 28, it tells a little of what the apostle Paul experienced while walking (and swimming) his faith journey across land and sea. It all began way … [Read more...]