The American tradition of giving thanks for a day . . .
Thanksgiving shouldn’t be about one day on the calendar that gets lost in the shadow of feasts and football. You may have noticed that somehow our holiday got hijacked to become the forerunner to a shopper–stampede the following day. Don’t let it.
Giving thanks is about every day, the twenty-four hour gift that we won’t get to open again.
The Bible tells us to give thanks in all things, in every circumstance, because it’s the will of God. But, can we do that?
In – all – and every . . .?
The psalms are filled with praise and thanksgiving but also with despair.
Psalm 118:1-29 is a prayer of thanksgiving for the victory in David’s life. Many things happened between the dash from the first to the twenty-ninth verse that weren’t situations to be thankful for – it didn’t look like victory at all.
David didn’t simply write down the good. He also recorded the not-so-good. For him and for us.
Life is hard – but God is good.
Psalm 118 is a special portion of scripture in my personal history and has me pause and list graces in my journal. Names and dates written in a tear-stained margin of my Bible next to David’s words remind me of God’s goodness when critical times seemed to determine my gratitude. Times of family illness, fractured relationships, loss . . .
You may be in a place right now when you find it hard to give thanks in all things. It’s not dishonest to give thanks when we’re not feeling it because thankfulness is a choice. It’s like forgiveness, a choice we make with our heart until our feet catch up.
There is reason for gratitude when we sift through the rubble and find jewels of sovereignty working it out for good.
I know it’s easy to take life for granted when the sun comes up and we do what we do until the sun goes down and we did what we did. And before we know it, thanks got lost in the deep of the familiar.
We missed the twenty-four hour gift.
So, may it be a tradition to give thanks for a day – every day.
Thank you, Verna, for more inspiration. This article speaks of courage, faith, and an open heart when we are blinded by our sin, sorrows and human frailty. We can always be thankful because our awesome God knows us and loves us. May we be joyful everyday because of Him. He holds our hand in the dark of night and the light of day, no matter where we are. I thank God for His grace to me and pray that many will come to see His mercy and love and believe in Him for then they will have joy despite their circumstances. They too will be thankful every day. I love you, dear sister.
Thank you for adding so much truth, Lee . . . so very encouraging. We can always be thankful for the Presence that holds us near.
You’re so right, Verna. We can’t trust our heart and our feelings, Jeremiah tells us that. Regardless of what we’re going through, we can always give thanks that we’re not alone in the midst of it.
. . . and that is our everlasting praise that we are never alone in the the not-so-good things of life . . . thank you for your encouragement, Vonda.
Love your thoughts…especially this statement: There is reason for gratitude when we sift through the rubble and find jewels of sovereignty working it out for good. That’s what I’m doing right now, finding the jewels of sovereignty working through the rubbel of our lives. That’s always a good reason to give thanks…even on the days when life doesn’t seem so good…We know God is good and working in and through our lives all night long…and into each new day. Thanks for sharing dear friend!
Thank you for sharing your heart, Glenda. . . we know sometimes those jewels may be hidden within the trial, but we find them . . . We. Find. Them!
Yes, Verna, we have to give thanks in all circumstances. Thanks for that reminder at this time of the year. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks for stopping by, Lynda – we always need the reminder of . . . all . . . !