Jesus has a way of asking questions to make us think – don’t you think?
And He knows just when to ask. Jesus asked the disciples where is your faith? in the middle of a storm. He asks the same of me – in the middle of mine.
So, I’m putting myself right back there in Luke 8:22-25, in the waves of a violent storm, in the wind-battered-water-filled boat, in the dark, with a sleeping Jesus.
Be there for a moment and locate your faith.
And so they cry out, “Lord, we’re perishing.” It was enough to make the Master awaken and rebuke the raging winds and waters. He does the same for us today when we feel as desperate. And yet, my answer to the divine question might be “my faith is on the shoreline where it’s safe” . . .
It’s securing that the first verse tells us Jesus got into the boat with them and said, “Let’s go across to the other side.” He didn’t tell them to go it alone.
Amazing. These men had a disciple-eye’s view of Jesus performing miracles of healing and casting demons into pigs and were still afraid of drowning while He was right there. May I never judge a disciple. . . . I’ve been in the same boat.
All of us will be touched by events we have no control over. No-control-over. No matter how hard or far we try to row . . . to the other side.
When we have every human reason to be overwhelmed – can we trust an almighty God to shut the voice of a relentless enemy who tells us we’re destined for the deep?
Only if we know His Word.
When we’re experiencing life’s storms and peace is about to capsize, we must know God’s Word for more than just a memory verse. We need to believe it belongs to us. Only then will it infuse a strong faith into our pacing soul where worry and despair cannot survive the elements.
Mind wars. The battleground where warfare is won.
In times when faith and fear come to a swift collision, we need to rehearse the miracles so we don’t drown in the circumstances. It’s been a lifeline to review past journals – the keeping place of amazing happenings to remind me of His presence in the whirlwind. When logic screams, how? God whispers, remember!
I’m writing to encourage another’s heart . . . and my own.
Faith isn’t a sense, nor sight, nor reason, but simply taking God at His Word.
Christmas Evans
Such a powerful statement Verna. Helps me so much. God Bless you. Xxx
Thank you, Karen . . . so confirming (especially in church this morning). Our sovereign over the waters 🙂
Thanks dear friend for encouraging MY heart!
As I remember, I have been the recipient of that sweet encouragement many times from you. Thank you Glenda!
Just what I needed to hear, dear friend, what my heart needed to embrace. Thank you!
And thank you for stopping by to encourage my heart – and isn’t that how we get through?