Don’t we hate to wait?
Especially behind the dear old woman who can’t find her wallet in the grocery line, parked tight in a traffic jam, reading old magazines in the doctor’s office, and hanging on the phone while listening to the elevator version of Hey Jude four times.
So annoying.
But then I thought of what others wait for – what he was waiting for . . . a biopsy and longer for the result, and then the procedure to correct the result, oh, and then there’s the dialysis chair . . . the place we wait with uncertainty.
So devastating.
The fine line between irritation and destruction reveals the cracks in our wholeness.
How do we learn to wait well in the annoying and the devastating?
I wanted to know. And so, I had to walk through many waiting rooms to find the relief room . . .
Right there in the muddle . . . I learned to turn the waiting room into a prayer closet and take a book along . . . the how-to manual that teaches how-to stay collected while being dismantled.
Right there in the middle . . . of scripture are some of David’s sacred writings to reveal a profound secret.
Quietly. I will wait quietly before God for my hope is in Him. Psalm 62:5
Patiently. Be still in the presence of the Lord and wait patiently for Him to act. Psalm 37:7
Expectantly. I wait expectantly trusting God to help for He has promised. Psalm 105:5
No, not three easy fluff-filled steps to foolishly hope that God will spin our mess into gold – or is it? We can unearth the precious part found in the pause when we learn to trust God in the deep of the rubble and ruin. Not foolish at all.
Maybe like me, you’ve been tempted to wring, pace and complain in the midst of the annoying and the devastating, but it wears down a soul, doesn’t it?
Waiting well puts it at rest.
So, what are you waiting for?
Remind God that your soul is eagerly anticipating His work and that your hope is in His Word. Psalm 130:5,6
Powerful, Verna. I’m continuing to pray.
. . . and we are continuing because of your strong intercession, thank you Marlene . . .
I continue, along with your Precepts sisters, to hold you up in prayer. God has used you so many times as Jeff’s advocate. He is in the Lord’s hands too. That is so powerful.
. . . so grateful for those “holding up” prayers right now, as we lean on our Advocate who is witness in heaven. Thank you, Nan.
Waiting…something I’ve learned and continue to learn, God is so faithful. Don’t laugh…. I picture my Heavenly Father’s huge loving hand reaching for me. I curl up in the middle of His palm and know I am safe and He will take care of it ALL. But…that’s from much suffering and pain. Waiting…now..waiting to go home and live a pain free life.
Good word Verna- Thank you. I pray for y’all often.
much love xoxo
I would never laugh at that beautiful picture, Joy . . . I know you know . . .and we pray for you also, dear sister. Thank Steve for visiting Jeff yesterday – he was so encouraged!
Hi Verna – been working on that a lot and find if you do … it comes easier and you find He’s worth trusting … only if one is patient … Yes it’s hard but with learning anything it does get easier and one has more time then to do the next thing! =)
It’s true, Rick, we need to almost practice waiting – learning to do it well – and I pray you are finding peace and healing in that very thing. Thank you, brother for your faithful visits!
“Waiting well puts it at rest”. I love that thought, Verna. I’ve seen you do that many times.
Blessings on you and Jeff as you continue hoping and trusting in the One who sees and knows it all.
Hugs and prayers to you both.
. . . and thank you Glenda (and Dave) for helping us to wait well, and always being a prayer away. Love you.
Oh my dear Verna, This morning as I was seeking The Father for you and Jeff I was reminded of Isaiah’s word for those that “wait well”. Those verses brought my Gayle and I such comfort and renewed hope on the cancer journey. From that scripture in 40:31 my prayers for you and Jeff rise up to The Father. Grant them new strength oh Lord, may they mount up with wings like eagles this day and may in all the running that life demands may they not become tired and weary. Bless you and thank you dear Verna
Thank you so much for this strong Word, Linda . . .and yes, this does bring renewed hope and strength to our weariness. Love you, dear lady . . . .
Hi Verna, I ALWAYS read your Posts…you are a gifted writer and I am Always so Blessed by them!!! (usually a silent fan of yours…).Thank you for all the encouragement and words of wisdom Our Lord has given you!!! Praise God!!! …I am also a fan of Jeff’s work as well, Was so grateful that you welcomed me to come to your home these last couple years to purchase his CREATIONS…They bring such JOY to me!!!! Both of You have been in my Prayers. Hope you both are well…Sent Jeff a card awhile ago to let him know he was in my thoughts and Prayers too. Hope he is O.K. God Bless Carol Clark
You’re an encouragement, Carol -thank you! And absolutely, you are always welcome to come to our home and view Jeff’s gallery of woodcarvings – He asked earlier last month which one I thought you’d like this year 🙂 I sent a personal email, Carol and thank you for your care and concern – and faithfulness!