It’s Friday but we want Sunday . . . it’s now but we want not yet. The passing of my mom added to the sorrow of a Holy Week fourteen years ago today. It was hard to look past her suffering to see the hallelujahs in it all. I remember thinking in those last moments as her heart faded – we’re all in critical condition needing … [Read more...]
But Friday . . .
It’s Friday and we want Sunday . . . The simpler side of Easter is pastel, not darkness ~ it’s a braided path that leads to Calvary. There’s a smoother path that rushes to the resurrection but will miss the reflection on the one stained with blood tracks. Suffering and victory - we can't have one without the other. The … [Read more...]
Pastel Darkness
It’s Friday and we want Sunday. . . A two-sided braided path leads to Easter. There's the prettier one - the easier one we take while rushing to the resurrection where we miss reflecting on the one stained with blood tracks and flesh-ripping thorns. The passing of my mom during holy week has always added to the sorrow. And … [Read more...]
Last Words Not Final
The final words of Jesus were not His last. They were a new beginning. I hope to reflect on Holy Week differently than the fifty-one weeks cluttered with rush and stuff. I hope to keep it holy. Set apart. And so, reading in the gospels this morning, I imagine what it would be like to be a part of the crowd(s) during the … [Read more...]
Thirteen Hours Away
At this moment, spring is about 13 hours away. I'm writing at 6:13 am Tuesday. But, after 13 hours I’ll still be waiting for spring to look like spring. What I’m seeing with the naked eye right now is snowdrops and robins, a mixed message. It can be the same within our life circumstances. We may have the hope of spring, but … [Read more...]