Two words that sound definite are never and every. They stand out in the center of the book of Lamentations where the common thread is sorrow. There are certain books we seem to avoid, Lamentations and Job come to mind which are a bit of a downer. But that’s only if we don’t read them and relate to the people that walked through the pages. Many of us can step into their space on any given day . . .
We’re not drawn to a book of grief. Lamentations is made up of five tear-soaked poems that describe a broken Jerusalem when the people were swept away in God’s judgement. Reality. It’s easier to make up our own reality about the happy so we can sweep the not-so-happy in a heap under a safe rug. It mounts up eventually.
The language of lament deals honestly to reflect on a particular or recurring situation that needs a cry-out. Do you have one? Actually, one-third of the Psalms are laments that assuredly express a deep trust in an almighty God to complain to with a “How long O Lord and how could this be happening?”
While the pages of lamentations graphically describes devastation, we see right in the middle of chapter three that a loving Father scatters the jewels of hope throughout the rubble of life. Over a broken world, broken churches, broken selves. If we sift through, we’ll find them.
My soul continually remembers and is bowed down within me. But this I call to mind and therefore have hope. The steadfast love of the Lord NEVER ceases – His mercies NEVER come to an end. They are new EVERY morning because great is Your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:20-22
This is a strong verse to hold tight to when you’re trying to preach yourself off the ledge. If you’re feeling that your situation is too much for too long, self-medicate on the Word and remember His goodness and faithfulness. The simple and raw emotion is what articulates the wrestle when syllables won’t work any longer.
Somehow we’ve lost the art of lament to know how to release our heart fully to a loving God. Maybe we think He’s too far, too ancient when He is simply a whisper-distance away – ever and always. A little further down in chapter three, it says For the Lord will not cast off forever. Though He causes grief, He will have compassion according to the abundance of His steadfast love. :31
When was the last time you (and I) expressed our hurt to God with honesty? Let’s keep in mind, His loyal love can handle more than a grin and bear it kind of faith. So, if your spirit is tried today ~ Remember yesterday and look forward to the fresh mercies of tomorrow . . .
Oh Verna,
A fresh cry-out is what so many of us are experiencing these days! How grateful I am for the steadfast love of the Lord that never cease and His mercies that never come to an end.
How thankful I am that I can weep before Him unashamedly alone during my quiet time and feel His tender touch as He wipes my tears, giving me a fresh cup of hope for the day before me.
Love you dear friend.
Interesting perspective on Lamentations, Verna. I love – “self-medicate on the Word and remember His goodness and faithfulness.” Indeed it is what we have to do.