I often wonder if my mother could be the same parent today as she was in the 50s. Voices of culture have made radical changes in family life over the decades – but I believe she’d still be the same mom with the same steadfast principles.
Mind your manners, be honest, and work hard.
Back in the day, the fiction extreme of the perfect never-shout, never-pout, apron-clad moms were Donna Reed and June Cleaver. I liked them. But my deep admiration was for the patient-pioneer Ma, Caroline Ingalls. I still visit her most days on Inspiration TV.
Today, parents need to teach their children how to navigate a very different world than the classic tv moms or the 50s mom-of-mine.
Challenges are countless and can be overwhelming for the moms of today – and yesterday – and ever. Through the ages, God’s design for the amazing role of mother-dom is unchanging – no matter how our culture changes. It’s a precious ministry and I commend each momma out there!
It’s been my privilege to be a mom, no matter the stage my children were growing through, no matter the season I was going through. And I’ve learned much from them. I look to my mom, an everlasting example of simple principles and extravagant dedication to her family. Her eye was faithfully upon me clear until the time it faded and framed with flesh-lines, as she still held out a wrinkled hand of help. A tender day of memories of the mother I lost. . .
No matter what stage of mamahood or grammahood, we can be a strong influence and example to leave long after our homegoing. So on this I Remember Mama Day, I honor her and I honor my children who have shown me how to be a lasting legacy in their life.
Children are our heritage and our faith is their inheritance.
It’s an awesome assignment to give life, nurture and protect the heritage God has given us and a huge task to meet the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of our children and serve our families well. We can’t do it without Him.
So how can we be thankful with more than a card this Sunday? By remembering.
Remembering can be hard for those who are in the broken ~ my prayer is for you . .
Her children rise up and call her blessed . . . Proverbs 31:28
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