Have you ever felt like the woman on the tracks?
I’ve felt like a damsel in distress.
The dramatic one lying across the rails is my daughter. She has a good time no matter the circumstances . . . actually she just celebrated a rather “high-end” birthday. She’s been a good source of strength and humor throughout the years when I’ve reached the point of wanting to jump off the planet.
However, we can’t depend on even those closest to us to supply the hope we need when facing hopeless situations.
This past week I’ve spoken to those who are heartbroken and bewildered over wayward children, difficulties in marriage, mounting financial pressures, and battling terminal illnesses, and others just trying to get through the day.
How do we get through the dark places when we’re crushed by life?
Sometimes we’re at a loss for healing words. Embraces matter more. Pointing someone (and ourselves) to the only source of hope . . . God . . . matters even more.
When I was a child, I would often cling to the edge of my mother’s skirt. She had her hands full of canning jars, walking the narrow and dark path to the cellar. I could hold only one jar . . . but, my hand holding fast to the hem was the one that held security.
I knew she was as close as her skirt.
It’s the picture I continue to see as I cling to the hem of Jesus, who carries it all for me when I’m able to carry only the smallest portion. . . . in my little-ness.
Sovereignty doesn’t go off duty because we’re suffering. Often the delays are when He’s working overtime in our lives.
Take a moment to reflect on where you place your hope. Is it in good government, financial planning, a person? They’ll fail.
The word hope (elpis) means, favorable and confident expectation. The Bible is filled with passages of hope.
The next time you are listening to the news, the reminder how bad things are, pick up your Hope verses, and see if you have a different view of what’s going on around you in the world, especially in your personal world.
It’s all about where we fix our gaze.
Our Shepherd majors in hope. He knows the way.
He is right where you’re reading.
Let’s hold on together . . .
You are my hiding place and my shield. I hope in Your Word. Psalm 119:114
Thanks for your words today Verna. I really needed them .
. They have lifted my heart …Karen
And your encouragement lifts mine . . . thank you for your faithful visits, Karen.
Thanks for your words today Verna. I really needed them .
. They have lifted my heart …Karen
And your encouragement lifts mine . . . thank you for your faithful visits, Karen.
Great post Verna. I love “it’s all about where we fix our gaze”. See my new post about seeing “ghosts” or the Savior. Thanks for sharing dear friend!
. . . and thank you for visiting and writing the great post on waiting!
. . . and thank you for visiting and writing the great post on waiting!
Thanks for this great reminder, that He is all we need, and not to put our hope and confidence in anything or anyone else. The Lord is our hope! Praise God!
I love Sherise’s photo-she is so fun-filled; you can always see the joy of the Lord in that girl!
He is our ONLY hope . . . and yes, Sherise is a good sport! Thanks, Laura!
Thanks for this great reminder, that He is all we need, and not to put our hope and confidence in anything or anyone else. The Lord is our hope! Praise God!
I love Sherise’s photo-she is so fun-filled; you can always see the joy of the Lord in that girl!
He is our ONLY hope . . . and yes, Sherise is a good sport! Thanks, Laura!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the skirt hem image. Reposting this one! Hugs. Liz
Holding to the hem, dear friend! Thanks for re-posting!
“The word hope (elpis) means, favorable and confident expectation. The Bible is filled with passages of hope.”
I love this! I taught my students this–they often heard of hope as an “I wish”, something that you think would be nice, but is only a chance.
No. Real, Biblical hope is solid, stored up for us in heaven for the time to come, and sustaining us every day as a wonder of God’s grace and mercy.
Thank you so much, Janeen . . . I needed to be reminded of my own reminder of all of this! By the way, love your writing and am enjoying your blog! We so-o miss you at critique!
“The word hope (elpis) means, favorable and confident expectation. The Bible is filled with passages of hope.”
I love this! I taught my students this–they often heard of hope as an “I wish”, something that you think would be nice, but is only a chance.
No. Real, Biblical hope is solid, stored up for us in heaven for the time to come, and sustaining us every day as a wonder of God’s grace and mercy.
Thank you so much, Janeen . . . I needed to be reminded of my own reminder of all of this! By the way, love your writing and am enjoying your blog! We so-o miss you at critique!