Are you looking for light in a dark place? Or maybe you’re looking for something to hold on to because you feel as though life is slipping straight through your clenched hands.
When I was seven years old, Hurricane Hazel ripped hard through Bucks County. Uprooted trees and power outages made me realize things don’t always stay in their place. The dark became darker to me because my dad was working the night shift when the storm hit. He wasn’t near.
We always seem to look for our Father, the storm-shelter, when we’re scared of dark places.
And worse, my mom and I had to meet the storm face-to-face and walk the dark path behind the house leading to the cellar fuse box. As strong gusts tried to separate us, I clutched the edge of her skirt. The winds were so forceful, the lantern was torn from her hand. For a moment she seemed gone as she ran after it. I remember groping blindly for her fluttering cotton skirt, because . . .
I knew she was as close as her hem.
One of the stories in scripture that speaks deep to me is of the woman who reached out to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment as He walked through the crowd. For years she sought help from physicians, but no one could help. She thought she went unnoticed among the mass of people crowding in on Jesus. In desperation she reached out to touch the robe’s holy edge. He asked who touched Him when He felt power pour out.
The unnoticed was noticed when Jesus turned to her and called her “Daughter.”
On that day, countless people brushed against Jesus, but only one truly touched Him.
Our soul gets crowded, and we become heart-sore when marriages bend . . . and finally break. When sickness comes to stay, and jobs shut, finances fail, and wandering children fall off the edge of belief . . . and we feel alone in the dark.
Unnoticed. Unanswered.
We can do more than brush against Jesus. The power of God is within our reach. He is waiting to speak “daughter” and wholeness over our lives. We can open our empty hands and receive hope.
He’s as close as His hem.
I dedicate this post to an unknown friend who emailed the other day and is in need of clinging to the powerful hem of Jesus – the One who leads us through dark places.
And to my other unknowns who may be feeling unnoticed, but never go unnoticed by Him.
. . . she fell down before Him, and declared in the presence of the people the reason why she had touched Him, and how she had been immediately healed. He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well, go in peace. Luke 8:47,48
Write on.
So glad you stopped, Carolyn – it’s the only time we can “have tea” lately . . . miss you!
Love this, Verna. I remember a similar event when I was very young. I was the oldest of five and when we would cross the street or a parking lot, I would hold the pocket of my mom’s coat.
He is the one who is ever near!
And I love that image, holding onto your mom’s pocket . . . the precious security we have in holding on. Thank you, Jeanne!
Verna, this so touched the hem of my heart … the part that tends to drift and become caught on the flailing emotions. Thank you so much and looking forward to reading your book … God bless xxx
Thank you for the kind (and poetic) words, Liana! Hope you received the book by now all the way to Australia!
Verna, I agree with Carolyn…this is awesome and certainly inspired by our awesome Father God.
I too have been touching the hem of His garment and He is restoring and making me whole and wholly His.
I know He is, Glenda . . . as we cling together to the One who is near. And have a blessed July 4th birthday today celebrating the independence and freedom you have in Him!
Hi Verna .. can’t log in but that’s ok … enjoyed this post a lot! I doubt I ever thought that — you know — of the fact that everyone was already crowded around Him … I understand desperation without healing and maybe a 1000 disappointments … Grabbing His Hem — Complete trust and faith executed! Amazing! If only I could … Thanks Verna! Blessing Rick =)
You’re so faithful, Rick, thanks for always stopping in to visit my blog – why couldn’t you log in I know it’s hard to put ourselves back there in the clamoring crowd of ancient days, feeling so unnoticed. Many feel that way today, as though we’re just an unseen piece of the crowd, but we can know beyond a doubt that the God Who Sees (El Roi) is looking right into our eyes and over our lives (!) And over your life, kind friend.
Thank you! I love this story in the bible and I love that every time I hear/read it and someone else’s inspiration from it, I see and learn something new. Always makes me remember that God’s Word is alive and active! I also love that you blog. I have been blogging for almost 40 weeks which was going to be my cut off date if I didn’t, so to speak, see this baby be born. But I am reconsidering as I read your post, perhaps every soul that is touched, even if it is only one, is worth the effort to keep going.
So glad you stopped to read my blog, Sue – and for your kind comment. This is one of the stories of my heart in Scripture, so I understand how inspiring it is to you, also. And please, reconsider blogging, I love to be encouraged by my “blog-sisters” and the beautiful posts that are written! Send me your web-address.
Thank you Verna for the encouragement. My site is It is just the lessons I am learning at the feet of Jesus. God Bless! Sue
I look forward to visiting! Thank you, Sue.