Today is the first Sunday of Advent, the grateful reminder that God gave His divine best to all humanity once upon a midnight clear. There was no room at the inn for the holiness that came down on the first Christmas, and during the commercial rush that consumes our October through December, there still isn’t.
Watching the Black Friday battles from afar, I wondered if any gift has the same importance today as it once had. Everyone lines up to make the perfect purchase for a special someone, so that on the day after Christmas, the special someone can line up to return it. It seems as if we live in a time when a gift is simply a down payment on something we’d rather have than what we’ve received.
Impersonal as it seems, plastic gift cards can appear to be the smart alternative of gift giving. Indulgence and abundance have dulled our senses.
I remain with the old fashioned method of buying, wrapping, and hoping not to hear the “too small, not my color, not my style, and I already have two” comment. Yester-time, a peppermint stick and a tangerine were the treasures within my yuletide stocking. No returns!
It’s easy to forget that Christmas is a season to celebrate God’s gift of salvation. The Gift of Wonder. The immense size that fits all!
A keeper.
Every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow . . . James 1:17
Oh, I remember the candy cane and tangerine…only ours were oranges. Did you make a hole in the top and suck the orange juice up through the candy cane? It would only work with certain types of candy canes, but what fun!
And yes, we’re going to gift cards even with the 7yo and 10yo this year. There are certain things they want to pick out to go with something they’ll be getting. Kinda sad, but sure makes shopping easier!
Love you!
It sure does, and I have a few grandchildren asking for the same! Love you, too!
Lovely post, Verna.
Verna… loved this: “The Gift of Wonder. The immense size that fits all!”
Thanks, Keiki!
Good One Verna…sharing this to FB! :0)
I enjoyed this post. It offered a sense of calm to my spirit tonight, as I often felt after those times I’ve heard you speak or received a gentle encouraging note from you in the mail. I had a college student ask me this past Thursday, “Where have all the Titus 2 women gone to encourage us?” Thank you for your steady example, so I might be an example to those entrusted to me. Praise God in the highest for His goodness:)
Jen Braun
Blesses my morning, thank you for your encouragement, Jen.