I have set the Lord always before me because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices, my flesh shall dwell in hope. ~ David.
Yep, I’ve come to know that my heart can be glad when I don’t dwell in my head. Media pummels our peace with cringeworthy images and bad news — everyday. On top of that rests our own personal circumstances that can feel more devastating. That’s why I have to choose to dwell in a different place.
Listening to those who sit in front of a tv that feeds their head with the same sad story, it’s not surprising so many are depressed, agitated, angry, and hopeless. I would be too if I didn’t choose to dwell where hope does. It sounds like a Pollyanna formula just to escape life. But honestly, I’ve been a mom for a long time and a gramma for half as long so I’ve stuffed alot of life into getting through difficult times through their stories and my own. I believe they would all agree that they have seen me continue to hope in seemingly hopeless situations. Yet, I certainly wrestle with today and tomorrow for me and for them.
Scripture is filled with heroes who were tempted to quit in the middle of bad news and hard life but desperate enough to fall before and rest in the One who is on the throne. It opens our eyes to an almighty vs the finite. When we look to ourselves, there is little hope. If we hold up our finite hand against the cataclysmic, it doesn’t care. There is only One sovereign controller and all is under Him. Believe it or don’t.
David the sensitive psalmist knew how to feel and to fail and he knew how to write about it – for then and for now. The words he wrote thousands of years ago get me through my today, 24/7. The verse above tells me David lived in expectation that good would happen, no matter the pain or fear that came near to his flesh.
Jesus gave us the heads-up in John’s gospel truth, I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart. I have overcome the world. John 16:33
There isn’t a human dwelling on this planet who isn’t acquainted with troubles, especially now. Difficult times come unexpectedly and often remain, and sorrow takes root in our head. So, there’s nothing new under the sun, not for David, not for us. . . it’s always been. That’s why he chose to mentor himself and rehearse the good to silence the bad.
It’s all about the hope in not the hope so.
So where do you go to dwell? Join me in His Word ~ in the Wait. Hidden in God’s letter, signed in redemptive blood is naked and unconcealed hope to plant in our heart to kill the negative weeds.
I write to encourage your heart . . . and my own. My prayer is for you to dwell with me in the hope-place.
Remember Your word to your servant in which You have made me hope. Psalm 119
But I will hope continually and will praise You yet more and more. Psalm 71
Sharon Daniels says
Thank you Verna, We all need to remember where our Hop comes from and where we can find it. Gods Word and in the quietness of togetherness with Him ..ONLY HIM!
Verna Bowman says
Yes Sharon, our one hope comes from Him. Only Him! Thank you for stopping by with an encouraging comment!