It seems no matter how early Ash Wednesday shows up on the calendar, we have the assurance Spring is waiting around the cold corner to pour out new life and breath.
While the earth sleeps under a heavy blanket of snow, we’re called to wake up during Lent. We need a season of new beginning just as the earth needs to experience spring.
It has a way of uncovering what’s beneath the dirt.
Lent begins in the dust of ashes, journeys through darkness, and ends up in beauty and triumph. But, how do we get from desert to destination while pressing through the temptations in the wilderness of the world?
By taking a new route and making several God-stops.
Matthew (4:1-11) tells how the Lord was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. He fasted for forty days and became human-hungry. The tempter came with his forked-tongue empty promises and the Messiah shut him up with a holy “It is written.” He hates that phrase and quickly flees.
We can do the same in our desert experience.
We can behold the Lamb and the wonder of Easter by dusting off the dry places of our spirit and take time to reconnect, refresh, and renew our weary-selves in the Word of God. The holy stillness will move out the clutter and create a deeper space for Jesus to reside.
Jesus journeyed to Jerusalem to face betrayal, beatings, and brokenness on the cross . . . and we give up sweets. Sounds crazy.
How can we choose the desert instead of just passing by a dessert?
By living Lent daily and recognizing His God-ness and His sacrifice.
What will this season look like for you? For me?
My hope for both of us is that we will experience a forty-day revival by taking just ten minutes a day to get rid of our stuff . . . the dry well of bitterness, anger, complaining, worry, and countless others that get in the way of receiving the fullness of Living Water.
Isn’t it worth at least 400 minutes in the presence of Jesus on this Lenten journey to rediscover your heart . . . and more of His?
Verna I was reminded this winter to pause and seek HIM as never before. When our “usual” is changed it causes us to seek answers. I know that after a severe winter we have the most lush and rich flowers and crops. Hope all is well. Easter will have a whole new meaning for me. I will be in Kenya with a team of 6 men, and the team on the ground there.Since I was there in December the team there had twin boys, another little boy, and a girl is expected in beginning of April. Lots of new life to enjoy
Wow – lots of new life! And what changes the Lord has you going through as you experience more of Him in Kenya. We miss you, Hannah, and so glad we can keep in touch in this way. Thank you so much for visiting.
Oh so beautiful, my friend! My favorite..the dusting off of our dry…could I add (cold) places of our spirit, and take time to reconnect, refresh, and renew our weary selves in the Word of God. That’s where I am right now and delighting in the knowledge of Jesus residing within, warming me up and giving a new song, knowing spring is just around the corner.
Thanks for sharing your heart and giving me space to share mind.
. . . and thank you so much for adding these precious thoughts! So glad you have a new spring-song 🙂
Thanks for keeping me focused in such a gentle manner Verna. You woo me toward Jesus with each post.
I love that – thank you for your encouragement, Carolyn!
AMEN! I pray we are all convicted by how little we give up for Him who gave up His life for us. Thank you, Verna for this good reminder of that very thing!
How can we ever consider the major depth of it all? Thank you for commenting, Laura!