Hmm, I can give a Sunday School answer or just share a few things from my heart. I’ve been in Women’s Ministry for several years so I’m fairly aware of how we think. Some find it difficult to join a Bible study because they think it’s a clique, don’t have enough time, or maybe won't fit because they know too little. Put your … [Read more...]
A Walk in the Dark
One of the great things about my week - Thursday mornings, when I meet with dozens of Jesus lovin' gals for Bible Study. Yes, and have been for the past twenty-eight years. Kay Arthur, co-founder of Precept Inductive Studies, may never know just how the Lord has used her to teach and mentor me through all twenty-eight. At … [Read more...]
Do the Word
Can a small book with only five chapters change the course of life? See for yourself and read the book of James tucked in the back of the New Testament. But, then you have to do . . . Think about it, why do you go to church or read the Bible – to stay the same? It’s important to be more than hearers. We’re to be doers, … [Read more...]