Stories of change, metamorphosis . . . changing beyond recognition from the original state. True tales of transformation. Like sand to pearls, coal to diamonds, us to His.
We all have a story and we all love stories. When I was a child I loved hearing stories of long-ago as my grandmother told it. Weaving life into gold. Old neighborhood men resting on porches, whittling figures from dead wood, spinning yarns of what could’ve been, if only . . . .
The wonderful part of your story is no one else has it and you’re the only one who can tell it . . . or can you?
I had the great privilege of spending time with a bunch of amazing ladies this past weekend. A beautiful picture of community, the mosaic masterpiece that is the body of Christ.
I re-met a few who knew me . . . but didn’t.
A retreat. There’s something about taking time from the world to visit yourself and devote the limited hours to hear God and each other. Listening, not only hearing.
I’ve lived life long . . . and have met many who have shown me there is a great story wrapped inside the one standing right in front of us, if we will take the time to listen.
A retreat. A place we can share our faith moments while looking at the timeline of our life from an aerial view. . . . through God’s eyes. We can dissect our life experiences and pivotal points into choice-stops and discover what reigned, who reigned . . . us or Him.
In spite of it all, He has our timeline covered, not only from birth to last breath and ever-after . . . but since the foundations of the world.
Our story, handwritten by God, the holy author of orchestration and non-fiction. He designed us to do life. Our choice is deciding whether to thrive or merely survive, to obey or go our own way.
If we just go through daily motions on a pretend journey in the land of what we wish, we’ll never discover who He is, or who we are or were meant to be. Polished, refined, and beautiful.
His story fills 66 books in the Bible. If we search, we’ll find ourselves there.
Everyone has a story. Everyone has a struggle. We’re all living to walk this life by trial and error. And the amazing part is, He can redeem our history.
We heard (and listened) from one another, we’re on different paths going in the same direction. Different stories with the same theme, the same ending . . . happily ever after . . . is what awaits us on the final page because of Him.
I didn’t like my story. It wasn’t my script for this life, but it’s the one I got.
Story-morphosis . . . how do we change our story if we don’t like the one we have? We can loose the Word of God over our mind to loose the power of God over our life. Proven formula.
So, if any of you dear ladies are visiting me here . . . thank you for adding to my life (story) . . .
Come and listen all you who fear God. Let me tell you what He has done for me.
Psalm 66:16
Betsy says
Thank you Verna. He is in charge of our lives. It’s up to us if we take time to listen and obey as to what He is showing us.
I miss you!
verna says
Oh my sweet girl – is that you Betsy? I miss you, too . . . yep, He’s the One. Thank you for dropping by, makes me feel like we still can (sigh) . . .
livingmoreabundantly says
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing!
vernabowman says
. . . and again I thank you for your faithfulness to this blog! You always encourage my heart.
Glenda Mills says
So greatful for the Master’s touch on our life story, causing a story-morphosis
in our lives…and giving us new eyes to see and focus on Him. It makes all the difference in the world. Wish I could have been at your retreat. Thanks for sharing little bits of the mosaic He created this past weekend. Love you!
vernabowman says
I’m grateful, as we all can be, of the ability to have a life-changing story because of Jesus. Yes, I wish you could have been there, also (and you were 🙂 Thanks for praying!
Lucy says
Many beautiful memories of our weekend together. You were a blessing to all of us with your testimony and teaching. Our goal…to get to know the Lord and each other better…was achieved! Continued blessings to you as you minister
to many others with your speaking and writing.
vernabowman says
It was definitely my privilege and blessing to be among all of you dear women . . . thank you, Lucy. Precious words, our goal was achieved . . .to find Him more and deeper . . . bringing us closer to one another on the way . . . Love you!