“There’s no use trying. One can’t believe impossible things”, said Alice.
“I dare say you haven’t had much practice. When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast!”
Do you remember eavesdropping in Wonderland as a child, overhearing the fun exchange between Alice and the Queen? I’m with the queen. Unlike Alice, I’ve had much practice . . . we’ve had many “impossibles” in our family.
Curiouser and curiouser is the amazing power of Jehovah God. To try and understand things that seem unattainable make Him very small . . . like us.
Go ask Alice, when she’s ten feet tall . . . We can be larger than our circumstances!
While reading in the gospel of John this morning I can believe six (no seven!) impossible things before breakfast. The miraculous works of Jesus when turning water into fine wine, healings and cures, exorcisms, leaving footprints on water, feeding the masses with the catch of the day, and raising the dead. All sound impossible, but very possible, with the supernatural God who is not about religious fiction.
Believe is written and woven through the gospel of John ninety-nine times. The word (pisteuo) means confident trust and persuasion.
I trust because I am persuaded.
Remember the Lord over the impossible, and we can face the day before us. God masters in things that can’t be done.
When we find it difficult to believe truths that tease our reason, lean into the deep six;
- He loves us unconditionally. John 3:16
- He is faithful when we are not. 2 Timothy 2:13
- He will never leave or forsake us. Hebrews 13:5
- He forgives us completely. 1 John 1:9
- He is our refuge and strength. Psalm 46:1
- He’s coming back for us. John 14:3
We can see our lives through the looking glass of faith.
I love the queen’s good counsel to Alice, “Take a deep breath, close your eyes . . . and believe.”
What are six (impossible) things you need to believe? Let’s look for the unseen today.
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1
Love this post Verna! I’m reading The Shack for the first time, and it’s made me think more about the impossible too!
I haven’t read the book . . . but, I know you’re familiar with some impossibles, Celeste!
Amen, Verna. Thanks for this timely reminder. I love the line: God masters in things that can’t be done. How true!
. . . and He has been showing this to us in His good time, hasn’t He, Marlene?
Great post Verna! The truth never changes. Thank you for sharing!
Never, and I’m grateful to face the day with this belief . . . thanks, Lee!
thanks for that. I needed to hear that today as so much is looming large with few tangible answers
We have to remind ourselves to gaze through the looking glass of hope . . . don’t we Hannah? Praying.
Great post Verna! We need to make our long list of things God made possible.
So grateful that NOTHING is impossible with Him. Thanks for sharing!
yes, a L-O-N-G list that only God could make possible . . .I’m so grateful we can believe in the impossible times, there is Someone greater than all of it . . . thank you, Glenda!
Thanks for this great reminder that we must maintain confident trust. He is faithful!
Confident . . . no matter. Thank you for all the reminders you’ve given to me, also . . .
How true that is – God CAN do the impossible, and He also wants to. He said it, I believe it, that settles it…. You inspire people… May God Bless you for that.
thank you for the encouragement, Barb – so glad for your visit! So right, God’s Word is spoken and settled forever . . .