If I told you how many hard places our family faced around this time of year, you might wonder if it really happened just that way.
I couldn’t make this up . . . and since I journal, it’s all there that He was all here.
Autumn, the remembrance of technicolor grace that covered dark places. Marked forever in an old tattered Bible I call my “transplant Bible” that brought me through some of the hardest times in life. It’s the one with the tearful scribings that clutter the margin in Psalm 118 along with names and dates to tell a story of transplants and comas, trauma units, too many broken places in too many broken lives and the most recent, a son battling-brave with cancer.
Life leaves scars. The scars make true every journal entry, so I’m thankful for the scars that reveal the holy torn and mended places. How-ever He sovereignly chooses . . .
This is the time of year when the traditional emphasis is on thankful, joyful, positive looking ahead . . . but what if as your 2019 story comes to a close it reads more like abandonment rather than abundance – and you’re looking for a reason to give thanks to a seemingly distant God?
I understand. That’s why I’m drawn to Psalm 118 – a prayer of thanksgiving for victory in David’s life in between the lines of twenty-nine verses that describe a life that doesn’t appear too victorious. Much the same of in-between the lines of our lives.
David’s account isn’t ancient – it’s in my countless and current November moments that will ever-last in my grateful heart – although tragedies I wouldn’t want to re-do, the times reveal real life – real people – and a real God – right now.
The thankful we can gather in the rubble of Psalm 118:
:5 He will answer and set us free
:7 we are never alone and He will help us
:8 we have assurance that He is trustworthy
:17 we can have hope when we face trials
:24 and this is the day that He has made – so we can rejoice . . . in this day.
The abundance found in the brokenness is the peace, joy, rest and hope hidden in the middle of glorious ruins.
So what if abundance isn’t about having a good story but one to share to help others through their own?
Oh give thanks to the Lord for He is good – for His steadfast love endures forever Psalm 118:1
Mrs. Bowman,
I so appreciate this, I am definitely in a “season” where I need to- sometimes minute by minute- choose that He is a God of abundance despite my feelings of abandonment… To remember both His Word and what He has spoken to me in the quiet places- to consciously choose that over the voices in my head screaming “NONE IF THIS IS TRUE- YOU ARE ALONE”
It is exhausting, but to be a woman who fights for the truth in the lives of others- I need to be trained to fight for myself.
And I so appreciate your honest heart, Erin – it’s where we all go at times. The ultimate reassurance that we have is His true Word . . God is with you wherever you may go and no matter what life brings (Josh 1:9), dear Erin. And I’m praying for us both to remember – love you!
Powerful testimony dear friend. Continuing to pray for Tommy.
Appreciate you, dear friend – for your prayers and for being there through the years to help me “write His answer” . . .
Heart softening truth, Verna! Thank you!
. . . and the truth softens hearts – love this Carolyn!
Yes, And you are to tell of His wonderful works (vs. 17) So grateful you follow God’s leading in your life. We are all so blessed! Love you! XOXO
Thank you Jessie – and that’s the scripture with the most dates noted, “I shall not die, but I shall live and recount the deeds of the Lord” 118:17 and so we tell of His greatness and goodness, don’t we? Love you!
Love this Verna and the song just brings it home. Like you I’m thankful not only for the scars but the Word of God and its powerful promises we take with us into each and every trial. And the older I get the more I understand what James was speaking of when he encouraged us to count it all joy when we encounter various trials, knowing the testing of our faith produces endurance and as we let endurance have its perfect work, we find ourselves complete in Him. Christ in us walking with us into the shadow of the valley and yes we know no fear, for He is right there with us, holding our hands as we walk from the valley back into the Light of His Glory. What a wonderful God is ours. Such amazing grace. Thanks for sharing!
Yes the song re-tells the truths you shared, thank you dear friend!